Terms and Conditions Malta Yoga

Please note that the following terms and conditions apply to your participation in yoga classes, workshops, retreats, or any other activities provided by Malta Yoga:

Health and Safety:
a. It is important that you consult with a healthcare professional before starting any physical exercise program, including yoga, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or injuries.
b. You acknowledge that participation in yoga activities involves inherent risks, and you voluntarily assume all risks associated with such activities.
c. Please inform your instructor about any medical conditions, injuries, or concerns you may have before each session, to ensure your safety and appropriate modifications during the practice.

Personal Responsibility:
a. You are solely responsible for your own well-being during yoga sessions. Listen to your body, honor your limitations, and modify or skip any postures that do not feel suitable for you.
b. Respect your body’s boundaries and avoid pushing beyond your comfort zone to prevent injury.
c. Stay hydrated, bring your own water bottle, and take breaks whenever needed.

Studio Policies:
a. Arrive on time for the classes to allow for a smooth and uninterrupted session. Latecomers may be asked to wait until a suitable moment to join the class.
b. Follow any specific guidelines or rules provided by the studio, including the usage of props, equipment, and facilities.
c. Maintain cleanliness and hygiene by using a yoga mat towel or bringing your own mat.

Payment and Registration:
a. Register and pay for classes, workshops, or retreats in accordance with the studio’s policies and pricing.
b. Fees paid for classes or events are non-refundable, unless otherwise stated by the studio.
c. Any cancellations or rescheduling requests must be communicated to the studio within the specified time frame, as outlined in the studio’s cancellation policy.

a. The studio may collect and store personal information provided by you for registration or communication purposes. This information will be handled in accordance with applicable privacy laws.

Photography and Recording:
a. Photography or recording of classes, workshops, or events may be prohibited without prior consent from the studio and all participants involved.

Intellectual Property:
a. The studio retains all intellectual property rights to any materials, sequences, or instructions provided during classes or workshops. Reproduction or distribution of such materials without written permission is prohibited.

a. The studio, its instructors, and staff shall not be liable for any injuries, damages, or losses arising from your participation in yoga activities.
b. You agree to release the studio, its instructors, and staff from any liability for any claims, demands, or causes of action arising out of or in connection with your participation in yoga activities.

Cancellatin Policy:
To ensure fairness and uphold the integrity of our services, we have implemented a cancellation policy with a minimum notice period of 24 hours. If you need to cancel your reservation for a yoga class, we kindly request that you notify us at least 24 hours in advance.

Please note that in accordance with our policy, cancellations made within the 24-hour window will not be eligible for a refund. This policy allows us to allocate resources, accommodate other students, and maintain the quality of our classes.

We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise, and we empathize with the need for flexibility. However, as a small business, we rely on a predictable attendance to sustain our operations and continue offering high-quality yoga experiences.

We kindly ask for your understanding and cooperation in adhering to our cancellation policy. If you have any extenuating circumstances that prevent you from giving the required notice, please reach out to us as soon as possible. While we cannot guarantee exceptions, we will do our best to work with you on a case-by-case basis.

We appreciate your support and look forward to welcoming you to our yoga classes. Your commitment to honoring our cancellation policy enables us to provide a consistent and enriching experience for all our students.

By participating in yoga classes or activities provided by Malta Yoga, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to abide by these terms and conditions.